Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Lupine Time & Moonbat Baking Co.

 Annual Lupine sketch time, out my back door! 
Each year my image is different! 
(see lupine  blog posts in June, 2017 & June, 2016.)
Minute to minute the lupines transform in appearance.
Above, just before the bright Eastern sun hit this morning,
just before they went from soft misty blue-lavenders
to warmer golden tones, 
not as distinguished from their surrounding greens.

My seasonal work hours at the museum have increased 
so when I had a free Friday I reveled in it,
sketching at the Farmer's Market & then,
out the window 
of the locally celebrated bakery, 
Moonbat City Baking Co. 
The pastries & coffee, divine, & the happy atmosphere~Wow!
I overheard more than once,
"It doesn't get any better than this!"
The owner Michelle sets the tone greeting customers 
VERY enthusiastically, 
the chartreuse walls & the light from windows lift spirits.
 The café is small, 
but it welcomes lively visits & conversations,
& folks at tables doing their own thing with computers 
or, in my case, bien sûr, 
with my sketchbook.  


  1. Good morning, Rita! What a delight to see your wonderful post. Ah, lupines! And I loved the market sketch as well. It looks like such a terrific place. But my favorite? You at work!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today -- I didn't know you relocated after retirement. Isn't it great when you realize you did exactly the right thing?!

  2. Rita..c'est toi la dernière photo? What young hands you have:)!!
    Love everything..always..have Pinned your work so many times.Left handed?
    Your work seems EFFORTLESS!!!!!♥

  3. PS..I wrote a Miss Rumphius quote on my garden fence:) You..lupins and Miss Rumphius;) Un beau trio.

  4. what a life you live. thank you for sharing the simple joys with us, dear rita.

  5. I love looking at your sketches . . .
    Liked seeing your hands . . . a leftie . . .
    Liking the fire hydrant . . . the bit of red . . .

  6. Lovely work,as always,Rita!! Very serene scenes!!!

  7. I thought I had commented on this already but I guess I must have tripped over a button. The piece I really like the most is the buildings. I am fascinated by Belfast and would love to do what you have done. Brava.


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!