Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Light is Returning

We took the back road from Belfast to Camden, on our way home from last night's community celebrations in Belfast. The shadows & sunlight played with the snow today, drawing & sculpting masterpieces!
Ducks under the footbridge in Camden, gathering to discuss something of great importance. Perhaps discussing us (rather loudly I might add) & the fact that we hadn't brought them any food. 
As this January first night falls, it offers comfort & well being rather than November's heavy darkness.
The light is returning.


  1. Gorgeous photos!!! Love the duck caucus!

  2. the ducks make a perfect white poinsettia plant. :)

  3. So lovely...
    Happy new year from France !


  4. Beautiful Photos, Rita! I especially love the ducks - like a star or petals of a flower... Happy, happy New Year with joy, love and good health for you and your family!! xoxo, Silke

  5. What-- you didn't bring the ducks any food? :) Burr.. they look cold in that water. After caring for all the bird Critters we did for the last 8 days I feel for them. But what a great shot. Yes what a difference in weather from us. Its pretty tho.

  6. Synchronized swimming - duck style. The formation looks like a water lilly.
    W Warszawie nie ma śniegu. Stopniał przed Wigilią. Od świąt jest ciepło w Warszawie (około +5 stopni Celsius).

  7. Ooh, ooh, our turf! We will have to meet up sometime! xx

  8. Wow!
    Beautiful pictures Rita!!!
    Happy happy New Year to you xcg


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