Thursday, December 12, 2013

Snow Baubles

So here I was, all focused on people-made Christmas decorations, when I glanced out the window & right before my eyes were the most beautiful natural snow baubles, nestled, cradled in the needles of pine tree branches, all glistening & sparkling in the winter sun (even with some tiny rainbows)! Taking the time to observe is a lesson I keep re-learning. On lower branches there were more natural "ornaments": a cardinal & a chickadee, & I never would have known it had I not taken the time to pause & to look.


  1. sweet. almost look like cotton plants. :)

  2. Delightful! It's the best when we observe nature being fully PRESENT. It is our biggest GIFT.

  3. I was thinking the same : it looks like cotton! I like this idea of natural decorations , like if nature wanted to take part of celebration.

  4. I agree..nature is the most beautiful decorator..:) A bit glum here today..but still it's nature showing us.. un autre visage..c'est tout!

  5. Takie "bombki" na roślinach są najpiękniejsze :)

  6. Sounds like you got some snow! A perfect natural decoration, as you say :)

  7. How lovely that you allowed yourself the time and patience to discover the natural beauty around you. Your watercolor/sketch captures it beautifully and I can imagine the vivid red of a cardinal's wings flitting through the scene.


  8. An old saying...'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ' and what better beauty than mother nature. Lovely sketch. I agree with the other comments the snow balls are just like cotton balls.

  9. I love it when images present themselves like this. Have you read Eve Bunting's NIGHT TREE?

  10. Where's my camera? I want this shot!


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