Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gateway to the Park

The other day I was struck by the entrance to the park that is 
right next to the Camden Library. 
I've seen it many times before, 
but there was something especially beautiful about it at that moment.
I had just received a new 5 X 7 sketchbook gift from a visiting friend, 
so what else could I do, but sketch? 


  1. Sometimes, a special light , a special mood , is enough to make us notice something like if it was new ..
    AS always , what a pretty drawing !
    Bises et à bientôt !

  2. just beautiful! would make a lovely 'good fences' link-in for thursday, too! :)

  3. And you captured that beauty!
    I love your work♥♥
    Miss Rumphius arrived today..She is a welcomed guest here.
    I am fond of her already!

  4. I really like the stairs leading up through the gate! I wish I could just sketch like you can.

  5. Love those simple watercolors... they can tell such a BIG story.

  6. I love your painting technique!

  7. A sweet surprise, no doubt. You put your gift to good use!

  8. Rita -- What I like most about your sketch is the colors that I see -- greens, reds, and white -- always a nice combination for my eye. So many times I have eyed something as I travel about and think "that is nice" and continue past it. When I get home I kick myself for not catching it with my camera. You on the other hand caught what you liked and made a wonderful sketch. -- barbara


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