Monday, September 28, 2015

Homework: Still Life Versions

Homework for class: Ink Drawing

I started with simple, tiny, (2" X 4"), 
02 Micron pen drawings  (below)

But afterwards, I couldn't resist 
making a color version. (above)
 I love the feel of the ink line, 
but one should not keep scribbling 
on one's little drawing because one will be left with:
Only a black surface.

So, I continued scratching & hatching 
on new versions.
(Above): minimal line.
I love it, but it takes restraint 
to not keep going. And, so it is in life. 
Learning to know when & how to stop,
or to move on to the next.


  1. Your white pitcher with blue flowers is lovely sitting within a blue cloth. I like it better with color than the black and white theme. The whole sketch is very rural in feeling to me. Nice -- barbara

  2. Your white pitcher with blue flowers is lovely sitting within a blue cloth. I like it better with color than the black and white theme. The whole sketch is very rural in feeling to me. Nice -- barbara

  3. I am of the "Ilove them all " school..
    I would love to pen like you.and then add color like you.

  4. I just love your sketches , but I'm glad you did one with colour.
    I too would love to sketch a few squiggly lines in pen, add some colour and it look like your flowers in s jug.
    I too have the problem of never knowing when to stop.

  5. How come you can make a few lines and it looks like a masterpiece??

  6. Ah, yes! Restraint is important in life but, oh, so difficult at times! You are very talented and I love your drawing!

  7. Another life lesson from making art! Yes, restraint is often a good thing. Love your sketches, and especially the one in color--my favorite color.

  8. Ooh, I'm drawn to that minimal line . . . and to the color version . . . xx


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