Sunday, December 21, 2014

Peace Squadron of Angels

Off they go, those aforementioned Angels, no two exactly alike, no two to the same mailbox. 
(Though they are from the same clan!) 
For now, they are a Squadron except their mission is Peace, not war.
The Angel Precision Flying Team, Whooooshhhh, 
flying to wish you a Happy Solstice on this day & this night!


  1. Rita..they are very very special.
    Peace and health and happiness to you.

  2. The most lovely "army" I've ever seen !

  3. They are heavenly! I love the angle of their shared flight.

  4. Rita -- I imagine you had lots of fun designing these angel cards.They are delightful! A Happy Soltice to you too.-- barbara

  5. Maybe the Blue Angels might bring back this summer in Brunswick. Ever seen them? They put on a special show. The BA, I mean. But these angelic flyers might steal the show I'll bet. Slogan? "To Brunswick... Straight from Heaven".

  6. How I love this squadron of angels! I hope one finds its way to my house. :)))))) xxxx

  7. Nie tylko anioły nie są takie same, ale i choinki. Razem pięknie wyglądają. Życzę wesołych Świąt !

  8. So very beautiful, and each one unique. Happy, peaceful Christmas to you! :)

  9. Beautiful Angels with a message of peace! Thank you!

  10. I hope you are enjoying the holidays, Rita! Best Wishes for 2015!


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!