That is moi, at a recent workshop I gave on The Art of the Sketchbook Journal, in conjunction with a show of my work at my library. Looking back, moving forward, while in the present moment. Pas mal!
I had 2 display cases of some of my sketchbook journals.
Detail from display case
I shared 16 of my original Sketchbook Wandering pages. The show, was held in my small town Maine library & so I enjoyed many direct responses, encounters, & invitations from sharing right in my own community.
Detail from the wall display
It was different to see the pages on paper & all at once rather than online.
They reminded me of pages in a paper book...
One of the most gratifying aspects was that I got to share what I know about this joyful means of expression in two workshops, & to see others doing it. Soon the Belfast Free Library will be presenting a monthly sketch group, hosted by yours truly! More news to come!
After some months of envisioning a new blog, with a million different title possibilities & organizing principles that I have recorded in my paper journal, I realized that I didn't need to abandon my dear friend, Sketchbook Wandering, at all! I had only needed some time & distance to tend to some other adventures. So, after this post, I'm visualizing the posts to come as a sort of Sketchbook Wandering: Chapter 2.