Our local sketch group goes out twice a week to beautiful spots in our area.
They/we are like school kids on a field trip.
But often I'm not able to go.
Yesterday I went to a place they visited without me,
an unknown cove along the coast.
Tourists and boats are gone now.
I sketched from the car, instead of from my folding chair.
It was a bit clumsy, but it worked.
Previous week, quick sketches from the shore of a pond,
on smaller, non-water color paper.
Another place that one of the Sketchers found for us.
The 2nd sketch was about feeling linear rhythms.
Adding color masked what my ink lines expressed.
I learn from this.
Don't always be seduced by color, even in Autumn!
Same view in my larger watercolor book.
This time I worked without my ink lines.
They say the leaves weren't as intense this year.
Many dropped before reaching full color, due to dryness
& warm temperatures.
Still, I found Autumn out there
when I went looking.
PS Someone asked me if she could copy my sketches
& post them online. I say, No, don't do that.
Explore on your own, I say, however you want, but in private.