Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Art Journaling During Covid

Covid Times: I enjoyed some online Art Journaling groups that presented prompts.
The idea was to keep a daily practice going, a flow, a momentum, without inner critics
who cause hesitation & blockage.


  1. During Covid it was so nice to have friends on line. Kept all our spirits up. So glad things are better. Your pages are wonderful friend. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. Hugs!

  2. Bonjour,

    Je vous remercie pour votre petit commentaire sur mon blog. Les petits villages provençaux sont de véritables bijoux... Peut-être un jour viendrez-vous dans ma région ?...

    Il est vrai que le monde de la blogosphère nous permettait d'avoir un lien alors que nous étions dans l'isolement durant la Covid.
    Merci de partager les petites pages de votre carnet de bord de cette époque...
    Je vous souhaite de belles et heureuses journées...

  3. Nice! Glad to see you never stopped sketching.

  4. I'm not getting notifications from you anymore, and I've missed a lot of your posts. Do you have a follow by mail or online button anywhere? I journaled my way through Covid too. I'm glad I did -- it's interesting to look back on those times.

  5. You DO have a follow button. And I've been following. I'm going to unfollow and then refollow and see what happens there!


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!