Continuation of my Alphabet Storyboard (draft).
No time for perfectionism, today. Ack!!
But: Get it done! Finish.
Later there will be time for tweaks & edits & final versions.
At this stage, other words are popping up,
so I've started keeping a list.
They might come in handy, who knows?
In fact, whole other series are popping up: plants...animals...doudou's...
...or how about a Polish alphabet, or an adjective alphabet...
or one of Maine or of art words...or a multi-word alphabet with scenes...
HOWEVER, using the French expression,
"Revenons à nos moutons" (let's return to our sheep, or get back to the subject),
I am determined to see THIS alphabet through to Z.
Knowing it's a rough draft, Dear Visitors,
I wonder again if you have any favorites from "j" to "n"...