Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The End of the Alphabet!

I made it to Z. Yay & Youpi!! (see previous alphabet posts)


  1. Youpi!!! How joyous is she?:)
    Oh good for you and how great for us to have been witness to the charm of your alphabet..I got the book..exactly as I remembered it!

  2. The final 2 words of Walk Two Moons = huzza, huzza. In the French edition, it's youpi, youpi !!

  3. Yay!! Yippee!! Yahoo!! Congrats chickie. I love the little Youpi best!! Now what are you going to do?

  4. What a lovely alphabet ! For X , you could have used Xylophone, music instrument .

    There's a little tag for you on my turtle's blog; You may find it funny. But don't do it if you don't feel like doing it or have no time.
    About your word "grotesque" : the meaning you used was totalyy right. BUT: I used only slang words in my post, and "grotesque" is not slang, it's even a very precious word, almost not used anymore .
    Bisous et bonne journée !

  5. These last six letters have more volume it seems. Perhaps because you knew you were headed toward the finish line with these six sketches and wanted to express your joy as in your joy sketch. It is as if the letter sketches are all shouting out hip-hip-hooray! Well done! -- barbara

  6. Y jest bardzo wesołe, a pozostałe śliczne. Pozdrawiam moja amerykańska koleżanko. :)


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