Thursday, April 13, 2017

Home and Color Play

 Close up of one section

Playing with layers:
1. yellow tones of watercolor washes  
2. glazing, wet over dry  
3. pastel pencil marks
Simple color play turned into 
a theme (Title: "Home Schema Home") 
for a local group show at Waterfall Arts.

 I loved the schema for home 
when I drew as a young child.
And I still do as an adult sketcher. 


  1. That little house is so darn CUTE!!!!!


  2. Love your art..tu le sais que j'admire tout ce que tu fais..:)

  3. Love these -- so bright, so cheery, so pleasing to the eye. xx

  4. Love your houses. Such pretty colors.

  5. Your article is so helpful and it is so easy to feel confident in picking a paint color and it inspired me too your work is really appreciable like North Shore Painters.


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!