Thursday, May 2, 2019

Rose Windows

 My first visit to Paris: 2003.
And my first conscious travel journal, 
with encouragement from my French teacher at
The Language Exchange in Portland. 

Never EVER could I have imagined the complexity,
the grandeur, the art, & the spiritual feeling of
Notre Dame de Paris!
In 2003 I broke down & cried before one of the rose windows,
for its beauty.
In 2019 I cried  to see Notre Dame de Paris in flames.

My 2003 journal sketch of the window is rough & inaccurate.
And along with my notes, private.
But spending extended time in the cathedral was sweet,
& the journal pages bring the experience back.

Recently I've been making ink drawings based on photos. 
But the photos seem to be only a point of departure.
During that 2003 visit, one of my companions said
that the windows are like giant mandalas. 
That & more.
Let us hope that they & the cathedral 
will be restored for future visitors.


  1. OMG I think your renderings are awesome!! I've not had the pleasure of seeing person, but think you capture the images well. Inspiring!!

  2. Oh Rita, this post touches my heart in so darned many ways, I can't begin to say. Your beautiful drawings. Your poignant words. Your passion for Notre Dame as I share. Oh, yes, we share the same hope for the future as well.

    And, I want to thank you for your very kind words and wishes for Rick as he heals. And for your visits -- I'm glad you got to learn a bit more about Gypsy. I miss him. Lots. And for all your comments.

    I'm glad you are finally getting buds on your trees. It seems as though winter has been far too long!

  3. Lovely. Yes, let's hope the restoration is done thoughtfully and well.


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!