Monday, July 20, 2020

Summer School!

"Experimental Drawing and Sketchbooks",
University Class...
So motivated, so happy!
The assignment here:
Create a drawing of your studio space.
The scene chose me, grabbed me instantly.
After all this compartmentalized Zooming,
it was interesting to focus on relationships 
between objects. How my eyes play tricks on me, thinking 
that things farther away are bigger than they are. 
I was so rusty, had forgotten how much
I love to draw!!


  1. Love this--so much fun to get a peek at your dining studio table, and your charming sketch

  2. Absolutely LOVE IT 3❤❤❤

  3. What a lovely fresh drawing! Yr very busy doing good things
    You would have missed out on this if you'd come to Paris! Just think

  4. I love it! What a great idea -- a perfect summer school "assignment." Very nice indeed!


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!