Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Sketch Artists at Place Favier

A most delightful memory from my French Trip: One morning a tourist couple at my hotel invited me to ride down with them to Aix-en-Provence. Reluctantly, I said no, because I wanted to do more wandering in St. Rémy. I hadn't yet found a certain square & fountain that I'd remembered as being quite magical on a previous brief visit, & soon I'd be heading back to Paris. On this day I stumbled upon a postcard of the square, which I learned was Place Favier. I asked the shopkeeper where it was. She took me to the door & pointed: 
"C'est par-là!" Right there!
I set to sketching when all of a sudden I was aware of some people standing near me. As I glanced up, I saw one black Moleskine sketchbook, then another & another. It was a Travel Sketching class, "Croquis de voyage" from L'Académie Libre d'Aix-en-Provence!  
Aix had come to me!
We shared drawings & our books, discussed art, shared tips,compared pens & materials...My sketchbook & I were bursting with joy as we had been feeling a bit lonely. I was touched by these folks' warmth & excited by their drawings. And there was extra happiness because I was conversing in French, this language that I love so dearly & which I study back home, conversing on the subject of a shared passion! Eventually they dispersed to sketch in the square, while I stayed where I was, sketching them. 
 They invited me to go to a café afterward for hot herbal tea on a chilly April day (the mistral wind was blowing). We continued to sketch & to share, & the teacher gave a lesson on using color to fill backgrounds.  Un grand merci à la classe de Nicolas Doucedame!!

A description of the class: 
"Apprendre à voir, donc à dessiner, à croquer. Acquérir des bases suffisantes de croquis et d'aquarelle 
pour poursuivre son carnet de croquis en autonomie." 


  1. Oh my dear, what a gift you have. I had a friend tell me they left their cameras at home one trip to Paris and just sketched. Oh that I could do that. I don't know if you have ever thought of this but what you shared today with the sketches and writing.... I'd love to have that as a print, especially if it were en français! Think about it. I would be a delight to have your work and words hanging amongst all my other French treasures. xx

    1. Dear Virginia, I am so happy you came to visit, & I am thinking about your idea, merci beaucoup! A très bientôt! Rita

  2. What a wonderful serendipitous(LOA) experience! Part of the fun of traveling -- each new day is a new adventure.

  3. Dear Rita, Isn't Paris inspiring?! Your sketches capture the experience beautifully. Thanks for sharing. And thank you for joining my blog. I am happy to now follow yours. Blessings, Valerie

    1. Dear Valerie, Thank you for stopping by! And Blessings to you! A bientôt! Rita

  4. C'est une merveilleuse histoire! J'ai une question : "Le port des lunettes est-il nécessaire pour accéder à la qualification d'artiste? Tous les artistes portent des lunettes, je porte des lunettes donc... à toi de conclure!

    A marvelous story! I have a question :"Is it necessary to wear glasses in order to be granted the qualification of artist? All artists wear glasses, I wear glasses,'s up to you to come to a conclusion!

  5. Lovely! So well done and inspiring! Thank you much!


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