Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dream Beach

One recent morning I had been transported by a vivid, happy dream to a beach with azure-teal-aqua waves. 
I didn't have my bathing suit with me, so couldn't go in, but from the beach, just by watching (!) I  was ecstatically diving, floating & jumping those waves, just as I used to do on summer vacations at the Jersey shore. 
Maine's coast has few public sandy beaches, & it was still all gray & wintry here, so I was aware that this dream beach was a vacation spot in the south. While I'm glad to be here to welcome the spring, how fun it was to take a virtual vacation! 

That VERY EVENING, coincidentally?, I received a photo of a sandy beach from a friend who actually is down south! These sketches are a mix of her photo & my dream. 


  1. So hard to tell..I am better at side by side..

    So I will say..I love both!

  2. Ja tez chce tam być :))). Cudowne są też Twoje szkice. Pozdrawiam i ściskam .

  3. I am so bummed! I left you a comment on my iPad which was really thoughtful. For some reason, it didn't go through. I hate when that happens as it ruins the freshness of my comment. Okay, I'm over it. This is what I said...as I can remember:

    The second one because of the bigger sky? Wait! No! When I see them both together, the first one. The spaces are less equal. xo

  4. I feel the Wind , hear the waves and the gulls ! A few lines and you're able to carry us there with you , Inside of your dream..

  5. Isn't that called serendipity? Your dream fits the definition of serendipity -- the occurrence of an event by chance in a happy or beneficial way. I can tell that you certainly are yearning for warmer weather by these wonderful sketches. -- barbara

  6. I like them both but I prefer the rocky coast of Maine! BTW, will make sketchbook cover!

  7. Ooh, love the way a pic can enter your dreamworld . . . and that you can travel freely in your sleep! xx

  8. Pretty, pretty beach! You're welcome down here in Florida anytime!

  9. why did you need a bathing suit to go into the water?
    That's the 'telling' clue to this dream about temptation and resistance non?


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