The Farmer's Market in Portland is, of course, about
buying & sellling homegrown plants, person to person.
But it's so much more...
Music!! The Resonant Rogues from South Carolina:
"Gypsy jazz & tradtional eastern European music...
American folk... old-time, blues & vintage hot jazz."
Be still my heart!
I, oldish person, & young, toddler person are mesmerized...
As is this pair.
High school boys, playing folky pop tunes,
grandparent-generation tunes!
Young, perhaps girlfriend-of-musician person, admiring,
on her market wagon bench, while I admire all three.
Baby persons! Going to the Farmer's Market, a good start in life!
Happy family persons with their happy baby carriage,
loaded with plants to take home. Along with little guy's scooter.
The healthy, beautiful energy from the local farm stands
sends out & attracts joy!
Lucky was I to have been a part of it on Saturday morning!