Sunday, August 28, 2016

Trying New Materials

Trying new tools: Rigger brush (love it!) 
Pentel brush pen
Arranging mini palettes in miniature homemade paint boxes 
(more on that soon)
Letting ideas flow for my February 2017 art show
at The Language Exchange in Portland.


  1. I'm glad you love the rigger:)andthe little pans look great..I just love that Quinn Gold:)Payne's Grey is a fave too.I love discovering new colors that make things pop..Love this post!

    1. I use Payne's Gray a lot...Quin gold seems stronger than the burnt sienna I used to use. Payne's gray, in spite of the fact that I was told early on to stay away from "black", Payne's gray has a nice bluish gray tone...More to come about the little pans, as you know!

  2. Rita -- What a great eye you have for design and color. -- barbara

  3. Rita -- What a great eye you have for design and color. -- barbara

    1. I just love playing with color...and have been trying to learn to explore new materials and ways...Your photos have a lovely sense of design and color and meaning...

  4. This is just perfect, this piece. Perfect. xx


Thank you for your comments! They mean a lot to me!