Monday, November 22, 2021

Still Sketching After All These Years


I've been away from Sketchbook Wandering for awhile 
& I'm sorry. I've missed the camaraderie I enjoyed here.
This covid thing, the climate thing, & the unstable world thing have shaken up a lot of our lives. 
Sketching & recording in my paper journals continue to bring pleasure & meaning. 
I don't go out sketching as often as I used to 
(there is the tick thing & the not being around people thing.) 
but I do play with art materials here at home more.
 I'd be leading some sort of art gathering at my library, 
but gatherings aren't allowed for now. 
I attend a library art Zoom gathering, & love it,
 but I'm wanting it to be in person again.

I wonder how you all are doing? If you stop by here, 
I hope you'll leave me a little note. 

And now, I'm off to read some of your blogs.