I've been away from the blog world for so long.
Thank you Catherine with a C for your sweet note
on my previous entry.
Above, an illustrated journal entry
in the form of a diorama foldable card.

A lot of my writing & art has been in my personal daily journal.
It serves as a modified bullet journal/organizer. It grounds me each day.
It's a place where I collect & sift through
my thoughts, feelings & observations.
Rough & Tumble handbags also help me to organize my life.
I love them as art objects & for their wonderful functionality.
They are designed & made here in Maine, one bag at a time,
though they sell online worldwide.
I've been creating in postcard formats lately.
I copied the Irish blessing from a postcard
that someone in my art journal group sent me.
The bottom part, "For Today"
is an excerpt pulled from that day's personal journal page.
In the art group it was my turn to present an activity.
I taught folded boxes
& during the week we used our boxes to collect
words, ideas, images & expressions.
Another form of personal journaling.
I made mine from paste papers that I'd painted
in some workshops during the last several years.
I was introduced recently to the white ink Uniball Signo pen
which creates beautiful lines over color. Love it!
So, I've missed you all & over the weekend I look forward
to reading & commenting on your blogs.
Things are looking more hopeful than in 2020.
Someone reminded me recently,
"Spring is a process, not a moment."
So I can wish you a good Spring before the official 1st day,
with a virtual card.