Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Spruce Head, Maine

I had a lovely vantage point for watercolor sketching 
from the deck of the Craignair Inn. 
I was at a French Immersion workshop at Spruce Head.
(Those are purple lupines in the foreground: 
Do you know Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney?)
My "studio" ~ Note my new "Riggers Bag",
 bought at Hamilton Marine in Rockland. 
An artist at Camden's Rockport Blueprint had recommended it. 
Shop local! 
The fog rolled in at, sweet & soft...

The 4 sketches below are in the smaller Moleskine,
the 2 above are in the larger Moleskine watercolor book.
Some people used a free period to go
 for an after-lunch walk. I stayed on the deck. 
During a walking "treasure hunt" activity en français,
 on the nearby small island, (joined to Spruce Head by 
what I think is a natural walking bridge), 
stayed on the deck because of my aversion to ticks &
because of my sun sensitive skin. 
And, because, 
it was my lovely vantage point for watercolor sketching!
Lovely gardens surround the inn. It was
hard to tell if they are cultivated or wild. 

A little stone elf & stone flower greet you near the entrance.

Even though it was just for the day, it was a perfect vacation~ French, art, and the Maine Coast!


  1. What a fantastic day. Love your sketches, especially the garden flowers.

  2. I learned something -- what a Riggers Bag was. I probably will use one someday. Right now I have a dark green canvas and leather bag (about the size of your Riggers bag) that holds all for my day trips. I bought the bag at a yard sale (unused) for three dollars 11 years ago. I lucked out on that find. Spruce Head Maine sounds like a beautiful place to visit, sketch, photograph or just sit and write. Maine is such a fabulous state! -- barbara

  3. Oooh, such perfectly-Rita perfect sketches--that free, elegant line -- and luv the Riggers Bag, too . . . xx

  4. Oh, how much fun is that!!!

  5. Beautiful sketches Rita, you just gotta love Moleskine, don't you?

  6. I do know Miss Rumphius because of YOU!:)

    Oh that bag..way nicer than a fancy designer bag:)
    Pour moi..beaucoup plus beau qu'un sac de designer de renommé!
    Love all!Your art is just unforgettable.

  7. I heard about the rigger bag from Brenda Swenson, and am on my second one. Works great. Thank you for the window into your world here.

  8. All the lovely greens and purple-grays look so cool and refreshing.
    That elf though looks a bit malicious!
    Love the tote bag, and saw one like it on Pinterest once, but couldn't find anyone who sold them.
    That was in 2020.


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