Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Abstracting with Negative Sapce

In the Sketchers group I presented a mini lesson on perceiving negative space, 
à la Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain
A fantastic approach for seeing & drawing!

I had observed some tree branches out of a café window
on one gray & dreary day. During the group, which took place
on another gray & dreary day, 
armed with the concept of "Point of Departure", 
I dropped & mixed colors into the spaces of a quick ink sketch. 

Here in the Northeast, in the last days of March, 
we have a limited time to observe 
the beautiful interweavings that tree branches up above make.
Oh the twisted, jagged lines & beautiful shapes of sky! 
Behold the layers of skeletal branches crissing & crossing! 


  1. I like your paint but also what you wrote

  2. ♥ Have to get back to that book!!:)
    Snow here tomorrow and Saturday...

  3. This looks like a wonderful way to demonstrate negative spaces. Oftentimes this is a difficult concept. Like your observation too regarding the bare branches and how quickly the sky will disappear when the leaves come out. Hope you are having a delightful day.

  4. Love your ink, watercolor sketches . . .
    Just found you through a friend!


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